990 resultados para Technical translation


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The purpose of this dissertation is to give a contribution to the translation of the terminology of Cycle and Bike Polo into European Portuguese and hence call the attention of a wide Portuguese public to this fairly new sport, whose roots go back to Elephant and Horse Polo in India and in other parts of the world. Sequencing a characterization of technical translation, translation issues of Bike and Cycle Polo´s terminological units have been dealt with in the light of the Cognitive Linguistics framework and hence intimately associated both with physical experiences and historical facts. In fact, sports terminology coinage in this field is highly motivated by metaphorical and metonymical conceptualization mapped from physical reality dimensions, as well as from already existing sports terminology from other sports modalities. In order to render this research unique, a glossary of technical terms from Bike and Cycle Polo has been gathered, since most of them had not yet undergone translation from English into European Portuguese. For validation of my translations I have resorted to Portuguese bike polo players, with special reference to Catarina Almeida, who introduced me to Bike Polo’s terminology.


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Esta dissertação investiga o gênero artigo científico e suas condicionantes culturais, ou seja, as marcas textuais que podem apresentar determinada dificuldade para o tradutor por problemas de interculturalidade, a partir da perspectiva do conceito de normas nos estudos da tradução e da descrição do gênero artigo científico. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar estas condicionantes em artigos científicos da área de Geriatria e Gerontologia, exemplificando partes deste universo de condicionantes através do levantamento das características desse gênero, assim como da comparação das traduções. Demonstrar através da reflexão teórica, de exemplos práticos e de análises comparativas, como a tradução se beneficia do estudo de gêneros, das normas e do levantamento das condicionantes culturais para auxiliar a tarefa tradutória de artigos científicos. Os procedimentos de análise dos corpora foram baseados no modelo de Lambert e Van Gorp (1985) para a análise da tradução literária, adaptado aqui à tradução técnica. Finalmente, analisando as condicionantes culturais levantadas nesta pesquisa, assim como as características do gênero, o estudo culmina com reflexões a respeito da tradução de artigos científicos


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada, sob orientação de Doutor Manuel Fernando Moreira da Silva


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A tradução tem sido tendenciosamente categorizada em dois grupos: a tradução de texto técnico e a tradução de texto literário. Contudo um determinado tipo de texto vem questionar essa separação sistemática: o texto filosófico. Apresentando tanto características de texto literário, devido ao seu estilo discursivo, como características de texto técnico, com uma forte presença de vocabulário técnico e específico, o texto filosófico apresenta-se como um híbrido entre texto literário e texto técnico. O que torna, portanto, este texto diferente das tipologias de tradução geralmente identificadas? Quais serão as implicações da tradução de um texto desse cariz? Quais serão os processos e metodologias subjacentes a essa tradução? A tradução para francês da obra Filosofia do Ritmo Portuguesa de Rodrigo Sobral Cunha, realizada no âmbito de um estágio na Editora e Livraria Portuguesa e Galega Orfeu, teve como principal objectivo responder a todas essas perguntas. Com base numa breve incursão teórica relativa ao texto filosófico, às suas características, à forma como diverge da separação clássica de texto técnico ou literário, sendo uma junção de ambos, e às implicações que essas características têm no processo de tradução, a tradução da obra de Rodrigo Sobral Cunha, em si, permitiu destacar uns processos e metodologias de tradução e de resolução de problemas ligados à mesma, adaptados à especificidade deste tipo de texto.


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Este relatório pretende demonstrar a importância da existência de guias de estilo nas empresas de tradução. Apresenta-se uma proposta de um guia de estilo decorrente do trabalho realizado ao longo de 400 horas de estágio na empresa Found in Translation, Lda., culminando numa seleção de regras com o objetivo de uniformizar e harmonizar o estilo de escrita dos tradutores e revisores. Estas regras visam melhorar a qualidade e a consistência dos textos produzidos pelas equipas de tradutores e revisores da empresa.


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Por meio da utilização de corpus de textos técnicos, jornalísticos e literários escritos originalmente em inglês e traduzidos para o português, pode-se efetuar uma análise das soluções propostas pelos tradutores ao lidarem com semelhanças e diferenças lingüísticas e culturais dos textos de partida e de chegada. Com esse intuito, aplicou-se o modelo descritivo-comparativo sugerido por Aubert (1984, 1998), o qual se origina das categorias de Vinay e Darbelnet ([1958, 1977] 1995), a fim de, primeiramente, identificar e, depois, classificar os procedimentos ou modalidades empregadas na tradução desses gêneros textuais. Registraram-se como modalidades de maior incidência nos três corpora: a tradução literal, a transposição e a modulação. em virtude de a alta freqüência da tradução literal ocorrer em textos técnicos e, contrariamente ao esperado, incidir com proporção ainda maior em textos jornalísticos, poder-se-ia inferir uma tendência para automatismos na tradução desses dois tipos de textos. Já a necessidade de um emprego acentuado da modulação e da transposição com modulação em textos literários poderia ser decorrente de uma participação mais ativa do tradutor na tentativa de escapar da literalidade e proceder a uma maior reelaboração, a fim de passar características normalmente associadas à linguagem do romance.


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This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.


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Fashion is a mighty social phenomenon, therefore its linguistic representation, like many other aspects, serves as an opportunity to study the bonds between two languages. The first chapter of this thesis examines both the technical jargon of dress makers and the richer, more creative language used in glossy magazines, in an attempt to determine whether the language of fashion should be considered a language for specific purpose (LSP) or not. The second chapter provides a theoretical framework for translating a technical text and contributions of different scholars are taken into account. The third chapter delves deeper into the core of the work, the technical translation itself. It analyses the different strategies, the translation transformations, that proved to be necessary in the transition from Italian into Russian. Since the lexicon of special languages is their most obvious distinguishing characteristic, the commentary focuses on what are considered the most effective ways of enriching the Russian vocabulary of fashion, international words, calques and loanwords, especially form English and French. Overall, this influence has greatly accelerated in the last past decades because of dramatic changes in society and economy.


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Este trabajo presenta la metodología empleada para compilar un corpus económico e identificar su terminología con el fin de crear un glosario de utilidad en la formación de traductores. Por una parte, se repasa brevemente la bibliografía sobre compilación de corpus y explotación con fines terminológicos. Por otra parte, se presenta la metodología en cuestión, así como una serie de actividades enfocadas a la adquisición de conocimiento especializado en economía. Los resultados muestran que las técnicas usadas para detectar términos y extraer automáticamente candidatos a término, si bien no terminan de adecuarse a las necesidades concretas del presente trabajo, son de utilidad e incluso pueden complementarse. Por su parte, las actividades propuestas pueden sumarse igualmente a otro tipo de actividades y modificarse según el contexto docente.


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"NASA technical translation NASA TT F-16204."


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A Tradução Técnica: análise e proposta de tradução de extrato de livro em finanças corporativas Tradução e análise de um texto em inglês para português do Brasil, este trabalho dedica-se, primeiramente, à apresentação de questões genéricas relacionadas à tradução(a saber, a intraduzibilidade do texto), para, em seguinda, se debruçar sobre questões ligadas à tradução especializada: fiabilidade, padronização e validação. Após esse preâmbulo, discorrese acerca dos elementos presentes no texto de partida que mereceram um maior cuidado ao longo do processo de tradução. A isso se segue a tradução dos primeiros 4 (quatro) capítulos do livro Finance for Managers, do professor Eduardo Martínez Abascal, que constitui o corpus deste trabalho; Abstract: The Technical Translation: analysis and translation of an excerpt from a Corporate Finance book. In broad terms, this dissertation comprises the translation of a text from English into Brazilian Portuguese followed by a commentary which examines the translation process. After a short introduction discussing general translation-related issues, it will be time to introduce the reader to a few words on the translation decisions made throughout the entire work. The following section will be dedicated to the translation of a text on Corporate Finance, namely the first 4 (four) chapters from the book Finance for Managers, by Professor Eduardo Martínez Abascal.


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Tremendous progress in plant proteomics driven by mass spectrometry (MS) techniques has been made since 2000 when few proteomics reports were published and plant proteomics was in its infancy. These achievements include the refinement of existing techniques and the search for new techniques to address food security, safety, and health issues. It is projected that in 2050, the world’s population will reach 9–12 billion people demanding a food production increase of 34–70% (FAO, 2009) from today’s food production. Provision of food in a sustainable and environmentally committed manner for such a demand without threatening natural resources, requires that agricultural production increases significantly and that postharvest handling and food manufacturing systems become more efficient requiring lower energy expenditure, a decrease in postharvest losses, less waste generation and food with longer shelf life. There is also a need to look for alternative protein sources to animal based (i.e., plant based) to be able to fulfill the increase in protein demands by 2050. Thus, plant biology has a critical role to play as a science capable of addressing such challenges. In this review, we discuss proteomics especially MS, as a platform, being utilized in plant biology research for the past 10 years having the potential to expedite the process of understanding plant biology for human benefits. The increasing application of proteomics technologies in food security, analysis, and safety is emphasized in this review. But, we are aware that no unique approach/technology is capable to address the global food issues. Proteomics-generated information/resources must be integrated and correlated with other omics-based approaches, information, and conventional programs to ensure sufficient food and resources for human development now and in the future.


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In the early 2000s, Information Systems researchers in Australia had begun to emphasise socio-technical approaches in innovation adoption of technologies. The ‘essentialist' approaches to adoption (for example, Innovation Diffusion or TAM), suggest an essence is largely responsible for rate of adoption (Tatnall, 2011) or a new technology introduced may spark innovation. The socio-technical factors in implementing an innovation are largely flouted by researchers and hospitals. Innovation Translation is an approach that purports that any innovation needs to be customised and translated in to context before it can be adopted. Equally, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is an approach that embraces the differences in technical and human factors and socio-professional aspects in a non-deterministic manner. The research reported in this paper is an attempt to combined the two approaches in an effective manner, to visualise the socio-technical factors in RFID technology adoption in an Australian hospital. This research investigation demonstrates RFID technology translation in an Australian hospital using a case approach (Yin, 2009). Data was collected using a process of focus groups and interviews, analysed with document analysis and concept mapping techniques. The data was then reconstructed in a ‘movie script' format, with Acts and Scenes funnelled to ANT informed abstraction at the end of each Act. The information visualisation at the end of each Act using ANT informed Lens reveal the re-negotiation and improvement of network relationships between the people (factors) involved including nurses, patient care orderlies, management staff and non-human participants such as equipment and technology. The paper augments the current gaps in literature regarding socio-technical approaches in technology adoption within Australian healthcare context, which is transitioning from non-integrated nearly technophobic hospitals in the last decade to a tech-savvy integrated era. More importantly, the ANT visualisation addresses one of the criticisms of ANT i.e. its insufficiency to explain relationship formations between participants and over changes of events in relationship networks (Greenhalgh & Stones, 2010).